Liquidation Analysis tool

Sometimes a company may find itself unable to meet its obligations to lenders and vendors. Download sample Liquidation Analysis Spreadsheet

Break-Even Calculator

When business owners look at their monthly profit-and-loss statements, they may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg. It’s what looms underneath— that may cause enough damage to sink the ship — six or nine months down the road. Spotting trouble ahead of time takes more than a quick review of sales, net income and cash positions. More in-depth analysis is the key to […]

5-Year Transition Guide

This Business Transitions process worksheet can be used by trusted advisors and their clients to track the progress of the transitions.

Business Owner Transition Guide

A five-step process based on Platinum Group’s experiences with owners going through transition, including understanding generational differences and impacts.

Growth Opportunities: Checklist for Improving Current Operations

Companies can look for growth opportunities by focusing on their core strengths and finding ways to dominate the space in which they currently hold. Many times, this begins by improving current operations. For example: ✓ Consider changes within the supply chain. Simplify the purchasing activity. Strategic partnerships with fewer suppliers can lower costs through higher volume purchases. Find ways to use more common parts between […]

Running on Empty

Enhanced forecasting can help firms take action before exhausting their cash

Ever feel on the brink of cash flow exhaustion? You know the signs: an abrupt change in the marketplace, a failed ownership transition, mismanagement or simply the failure to make your sales forecast from month to month. The result is the same in each case: running out of cash.