Refresh Your Culture
How can I improve my workplace productivity?
Platinum has deep experience in helping business owners, management teams, private equity firms, and family businesses to assess and transform a toxic workplace culture into a healthy, thriving work environment. We meet with owners and leadership teams to address key derailments that can damage your company’s potential. That means bringing persistent conflicts to the surface that need resolution — then identifying methods to create peaceful, productive cultures that lead to more success.
Tools for Workplace Culture
Build a Better Culture
Workplace Culture assessment and restoration can be crucial for any company to thrive:
- Are your employees stressed? (Fact: 83% of U.S. workers are stressed)
- Has employee stress grown due to COVID-19?
- How has employee stress seeped into your company’s culture?
- How can this stress be alleviated by conflict resolution management and strategies?

Platinum believes that a better culture through workplace transformation leads to a more successful business. Workplace culture success depends on two additional factors: strong leadership and the value of resolved conflict.
Your First Step
For a no-obligation consultation about your workplace culture questions, contact:Bill English
“I bring a unique background to small business owners as an entrepreneur and licensed psychologist with a business process improvement focus. This means restoring wholeness to business owners and value to their businesses. I enjoy helping family owned businesses in conflict return to improved relationships and helping the owner find balance between work and business.”
Randy Kroll
“It excites me to help the leadership of for-profit and nonprofit organizations to re-design and re-think the culture, systems and environment in order to position them for growth and development.”
Build a Better Culture
Workplace Culture assessment and restoration can be crucial for any company to thrive:
- Are your employees stressed? (Fact: 83% of U.S. workers are stressed)
- Has employee stress grown due to COVID-19?
- How has employee stress seeped into your company’s culture?
- How can this stress be alleviated by conflict resolution management and strategies?