Turnaround of Cash Position Improved Manufacturer’s Performance
How Platinum Group created a path to success by raising capital and navigating debt
Overcoming Operational Challenges in a Manufacturer’s Turnaround
How Platinum improved operations to support return to profitability
Turnaround: From $1 Million Loss to $1 Million Profit in Six Months
How Platinum restored a culture of craftsmanship
Part 1: Mapping Out a New Venture
How Platinum preserved a legacy and created new opportunities out of an outdated family business
Mentoring a Family-Owned Business Back to Health
How Platinum guided improvements in lender relationships and business operations to get a company back on track
Potential Bankruptcy Averted During Cash and Credit Crisis
How Platinum led a manufacturer’s quick return to profitability
Successful Turnaround: From Foreclosure and Bankruptcy to Restructured Financing and New Lender
How Platinum Helped a Nonprofit Board through a Revenue and Litigation Crisis
Too Much, Too Fast: Intervention Turned Rapid-Growth Losses Into New-Growth Gains
How Platinum helped a manufacturer strengthen operations and recapitalize
Suffering Sales Cause Bank and Real Estate Woes for Manufacturer
How Platinum led quick restructuring and refinancing efforts
Crisis Management Team Breathes New Life into Company Slated for Closure
How Platinum’s immediate action is eliminating a significant loss to the owner
Turnaround of Cash Position Improved Manufacturer’s Performance
How Platinum Group created a path to success by raising capital and navigating debt
Overcoming Operational Challenges in a Manufacturer’s Turnaround
How Platinum improved operations to support return to profitability
Turnaround: From $1 Million Loss to $1 Million Profit in Six Months
How Platinum restored a culture of craftsmanship
Part 1: Mapping Out a New Venture
How Platinum preserved a legacy and created new opportunities out of an outdated family business
Mentoring a Family-Owned Business Back to Health
How Platinum guided improvements in lender relationships and business operations to get a company back on track
Potential Bankruptcy Averted During Cash and Credit Crisis
How Platinum led a manufacturer’s quick return to profitability
Successful Turnaround: From Foreclosure and Bankruptcy to Restructured Financing and New Lender
How Platinum Helped a Nonprofit Board through a Revenue and Litigation Crisis
Too Much, Too Fast: Intervention Turned Rapid-Growth Losses Into New-Growth Gains
How Platinum helped a manufacturer strengthen operations and recapitalize
Suffering Sales Cause Bank and Real Estate Woes for Manufacturer
How Platinum led quick restructuring and refinancing efforts
Crisis Management Team Breathes New Life into Company Slated for Closure
How Platinum’s immediate action is eliminating a significant loss to the owner